projekt Church
know god know self know Purpose
At ProjeKt Church we’ve created a space for the churched and unchurched. We were called to redefine what culture says a believer should look like. We don’t want to look the part, but BE THE PART! The ProjeKt’s has created an environment for you to build your relationship with GOD, identify who you are, and discover your purpose. But not only discover your purpose, but WALK IN IT OR LIVE TRYING!
We invite you to experience ProjeKt Church for yourself.
Pastor Femi Ayinde
Daphney Ayinde
Femi and Daphney Ayinde are the leaders and founders of Projekt Church and The Purpose Projekt based in Mesquite, Texas since July 2021. They have dedicated the past 11 years of their lives to ministry and their personal philosophy and vision is to walk in purpose or live trying. They've been married since 2013 and have three beautiful children.

Join us for a WORSHIP EXPERIENCE every Sunday at 10am. 2427 Baker DR. Mesquite, Tx.